Partnership Opportunities

I'd like to become a partner at the below level.







Champion.jpg guardian.jpg Benefactor.jpg Ambassador.jpg

Do you live outside of this area, but still want to support the amazing work of Chabad?
Is becoming a partner above your budget?
Please consider becoming a friend of Chabad by choosing the option below.


Continue my annual partnership indefinitely or until I request it to end.
My gift will be matched by .
Please send your company's matching gift form.
I wish to make a gift of stock. Please e-mail me transfer details/
Please send me information about planned giving.
Please send me information about how to include Chabad of West Palm Beach in my will, to ensure an everlasting legacy.

Optional In memory of In honor of
Contact Information
First Name Last Name
Address City, State, Zip
Phone Email
Payment Information
Please charge the above amount to my credit card on the first of each month for 12 consecutive months.

Please contact me to discuss other payment options.
Card Type Card Number
Expiration Date Security Code